How can I apply for a Work Permit?

Minors should apply for employment certification (Work Permit) where they go to school. A current physical examination (within the previous twelve (12) months) is required to issue a permit. Work permits are not required for students 18 or older. It is your responsibility to acquire a Work Permit and submit it to the YES office before working. The YES Program does not issue working papers, please contact your school/nurses office with questions. 

· Parents/guardians and minors complete the AT-17 Application for Employment Certificate. This is a fillable PDF form and allows digital signatures. (Paper copies are available at the school and the YES office) Please fill out only part 1.

· Email or hand-in the completed form to your school nurse. You can find their contact info here  

· Once a work permit is completed and signed it will be available in the nurses office, handed to the teen/student or mailed to the student’s home address.

· The student must sign the Work Permit card upon receipt. Work Permits must be signed before the YES office can accept them. 

These instructions are for teens living within the Ithaca City School District. If you live in a different school district, please check in with your local school district for specific instructions! [Note: you can apply for a work permit from ICSD if you have an ICSD address even if you are not enrolled, but you will need to show proof of age and an up-to-date physical].

If you/ your teen has a summer birthday and needs to get a work permit issued in the summer months, you should contact the Ithaca High School nurses office directly.