Take a look at these important dates to get a better sense of the YES summer timeline.
March 10: Application Kick-off
Our summer application launches on March 10. We’ll also begin scheduling interviews for applicants on this date. As an applicant, you are responsible for scheduling your own YES interview! You can do so by following the directions provided on the online application or by calling the YES office at (607) 273-1849.
Please note that space in our program is limited by funding, and you may be placed on a waitlist even if you apply before the application deadline. Apply as early as you can!
May 22nd: App and Interview Deadline
May 22nd is the deadline for summer applications. Applications received after the deadline are likely to be referred to other organizations or be placed on our summer waitlist.
May 27th: Match Selection/Waitlist Notification for teens qualifying via Joint Youth Commission funding.
Teens who qualify for YES only via the Joint Youth Commission funding (first-time workers living in the Towns of Ithaca, Caroline, Villages of Cayuga Heights & Lansing, and potentially the Town of Danby will receive notice of selection for match or waitlist by this date. This funding source regularly receives many more applications than we have capacity to serve. In an effort to be equitable, we do not match teens on a first-come-first-served basis. Rather, we select teens for match based on our program priorities. We will notify you if you have been selected for match or placed on a waitlist by Tuesday May 27th. We will continue to pull teens off the waitlist and match to available placements through the month of June.
May 20-June 18: Job Offer Letters
The YES team works hard to match teens with the best worksites for them. If you’re offered a summer job with YES, you’ll receive a job offer letter at some point between May 19 and June 17.
Please note that you must submit an application, complete an interview, and provide some necessary documents in order to be offered a job. We will match teens in the order we receive documents from them. If you receive a job offer letter, you must call the YES office in order to accept or decline the offer.
June 5-July 3: Mandatory YES Orientation and Kickstart Trainings
YES will offer various orientation and training dates within this timeframe. Every YES worker must attend a mandatory YES Orientation and Kickstart training (these are two separate events). In these sessions, you’ll learn about important work-related policies, get on payroll, and more!
The dates of your Orientation Session and Kickstart Training will be assigned on your job offer letter; if you’re unable to make those dates, please call the YES office at (607) 273-1849 to reschedule.
July 7th: Summer Jobs Begin
Most YES summer jobs will begin on this day, with a small handful beginning the week prior (June 30th). Once you’ve been offered a job, contact your supervisor to confirm your specific start date.
August 15: Summer Jobs End
Most YES summer jobs last around six weeks and will wrap up the second week in August. Confirm end dates with your supervisor once you’ve accepted your job.
August 12-13: YES Mini-Conference
We will offer a variety of paid workshop opportunities over these two days to help you sharpen your career readiness skills. Topics will include: Applications and Resumés, Demand Occupations in Tompkins County, Customer Service, Interviewing Skills, and more. Full details will be provided during your Orientation and Payroll Session in June.
If you have scheduling conflicts that YES should know about, please contact us at (607) 273-1849 or yes@yesithaca.org as soon as possible. Also, don’t hesitate to reach if you have questions about the program timeline, your application, or anything else!