General YES Questions

Where we cover the basics of YES

Who is eligible to work with YES?

All teens ages 14-20 who live within Tompkins County are eligible to become YES members and receive our basic services. Depending on what municipality you live in and space available you may be eligible for additional services that we offer.

Do I need to write a comment in every box on the evaluations?

Yes, we use these evaluations to help teens in future job placements to provide references for them. We also use this as an accountability tool to show quantitative results to our funders and community stakeholders.

Can teens volunteer at my business during the hours they are not on the clock with YES?

NYS labor law prohibits volunteering at place of work, unless duties are significantly different. They  can volunteer once they're not on the YES payroll.

Who Qualifies for the YES Summer Jobs Program?

Great question! It's a little confusing, we know. Since we have multiple funding partners, there are a few different ways you can qualify. Teens between the ages of 14-20 who live in the City of Ithaca qualify for our summer jobs program. Teens wh...

How to get to work without a car

Getting to and from work can be challenging if you don’t drive. Even if you do drive, the cost and carbon footprint that comes with commuting by car might make you want to consider some other options. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to get to wo...

What should I do if I don't like a job I've already started?

No one likes that feeling—you’ve started a job and it’s just not what you hoped it’d be. Maybe you don’t like your job duties or your co-workers, maybe it’s more responsibility than you bargained for, or maybe the work experience just isn't what y...

What information do I need to fill out the YES Application?

Before you start your online application, here's a list of the details you will need to know in order to fill it out completely. We recommend gathering this information before you start so that your application process can run smoothly. You will n...

Legal Names and YES

At YES, we strive to create an environment that is inclusive and welcoming to all teens, and we recognize that names are powerful expressions of personal identity. We want to use the name(s), first and last, that are most affirming to you, and req...